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Next Level Strength Training By Yunus Barisik

Down the line that led to thousands of hours spent in the gym training myself and others, and tens of thousands of dollars invested in books, seminars, training courses, and travel expenses racked up after visiting some of the best strength coaches on the planet to observe how they train athletes.

Next Level Strength Training By Yunus Barisik


I can't help but marvel at how incredibly strong and jacked male gymnasts are. That's what years and years of subjecting your body's own resistance to gravity will do to your strength levels and appearance.

Thanks for taking a minute to get to know me. If you have any questions, comments, cheers, jeers, suggestions or you simply want to hook me up with your insanely hot sister, you can drop me a line at

In fact, I have written numerous articles on all things hockey strength and conditioning for (a popular Finnish sports site), including the most comprehensive and practical off-season strength training guide for hockey players ever published in Finnish. Check out my extensive work below.

Lepopäivä, the most popular Finnish training podcast, invited me over to discuss in-season and off-season strength and conditioning for hockey players on three occasions. Check out the episodes below.

So if you want to interview me for a quality print or online publication, send me an email with the headline "Interview" to Please include some details on what you want me to talk about, who and how big the target audience is, what they want to learn, etc.

Yunus Barisik, CSCS, specializes in making hockey players strong, fast and explosive. He has trained 500+ hockey players at the junior, college and pro levels, including NHL Draft picks and World Champions. An accomplished author, Yunus has had articles published on top fitness and performance sites, including T Nation, STACK and Muscle & Strength. He also wrote Next Level Hockey Training, a comprehensive resource for ice hockey players on building athletic strength, size and power, while staying injury-free.

Strength training can help improve bone health, making aerobic activity more productive, reduce the risk of injury, and promote healthy aging. No two clients are the same, though. That means fitness coaches must take the time to understand the needs of their clients and build a strength training program around their fitness goals.

The goal is to start your training sessions with a power exercise that targets the nervous system, move on to heavy multijoint exercises where you can pile on the weights to build strength, and wrap it up with some higher-rep hypertrophy work that gets a nice pump going and keeps the joints healthy.

This training design template works well for a beginner, someone with less than a year of progressive strength training or two years of less focused training. You can create as many templates as you like and use whatever training techniques you think are best for your personal training clients.

It is flexible enough to allow you to make easy changes to strength training programs. For instance, trainees with mobility restrictions or previous injuries need further consideration and smart modifications. For example, if a client would do better with the dumbbell bench press instead of a barbell bench press because the barbell irritates shoulder muscles, then make the change on the program for this one client.

I'm certain that before each new training phase - when we change training exercises and set/rep schemes - some of my athletes convert to born-again Christians, silently letting out a prayer that no Bulgarian split squats will be included in our training program for the next four weeks.

I picked up this exercise while visiting Prentiss Hockey Performance, one of the top training facilities in the US catering to NHL players, in 2014. You never see it done in public gyms; And as far as I'm aware, few strength coaches in the hockey training world use it with their guys.

"You get bigger and stronger in the off-season. The best you can do is to maintain thosegains in-season."That line has been parroted ad nauseam to the point where guys blindly accept it as theholy truth. And they coast through hockey season while not even trying to improve theirstrength and power.Yes, the above statement holds true if you're an NHL'er or elite hockey player competingin 80+ games per year.Workouts - which don't take place too often, given that traveling takes up a huge chunk outof the players' season - are geared toward recovery and boosting on-ice performance inthe short-term, not pushing up your maxes in the gym.If you're reading this manual, you're not playing in the NHL.So let's get this nonsense that you can't improve your physical qualities during hockeyseason right out of your head.My junior and pro players are a true testament to that.Pretty much all our healthy guys have hit some sort of 1-5 rep max personal record duringthe final two weeks of the regular season on weighted chin-ups, front squats, trap bardeadlifts, or power cleans over the past couple of years I've been running the in-seasontraining system you'll learn about soon.That's right. Personal bests and big weights heading into the playoffs.I bet that runs counter to everything you've ever heard about in-season training before,huh?Sure, their progress in the weight room doesn't compare to the leaps and bounds theytake during the summer.But bear in mind these are guys who train up to 6-7 times per week on the ice, plus playtwo games each weekend. Yet they're still making noticeable progress seven months intoa hockey season.Compare that with the typical in-season training approach that goes like this:Train hard for four months to prepare for a new season.

Choice is yours.Now that you understand the importance of proper in-season strength training, let's look athow to design your training sessions for continuous progress.No matter if you followed the Junior (3x/week) or Pro (4x/week) lifting plan in the off-season, once hockey season begins, we'll drop lifting frequency down to 2x/week.Reason?Any less than twice per week, and you can forget about getting stronger.On the other hand, lifting more than twice per week on top of all the on-ice practices canput you deeper into a recovery hole, which will negatively impact hockey performance.So twice weekly hits the sweet spot.Here's a typical week during hockey season for our U20 team:Monday - PM: Strength Day 1 + On-Ice PracticeTuesday - AM: On-Ice PracticeTuesday - PM: On-Ice PracticeWednesday - AM: On-Ice PracticeWednesday - PM: Strength Day 2 + On-Ice PracticeThursday - On-Ice PracticeFriday - GameSaturday - GameSunday - OffHaving games on Friday and Saturday works out great since that allows us to lift heavyearlier in the week.Of course, every league has got their own game schedule and you'll need to tweak thingsaround based on your situation.Try to slot in your strength training sessions on non-consecutive days while also leaving atleast one full recovery day before a game.

(As long as you don't drop down from a 3-feet tall box. Or setup a hurdle at chest heightwhen you can barely jump over one at knee level. But if you do, you're an idiot. In whichcase, you deserve to get hurt.)We also take advantage of a phenomenon called post-activation potentiation.Pick two exercises - one a heavy strength exercise, the other an explosive exercise - forthe same movement pattern.Perform the heavy exercise first, then almost immediately jump into the explosivemovement.Lower body exercise pairings that work really well for contrast training include:

Alex Dutchak is a fitness trainer and certified progressive calisthenics athlete currently based out of Virginia. Shortly after realizing the benefits of an active lifestyle, they decided to build a pull-up bar in their backyard. From that moment on, Alex never looked back. Since finding his passion in fitness, Alex has experimented with gymnastics, distance running, Olympic weightlifting, cycling, rock climbing, CrossFit, kettlebell training and much more. He is certified for personal fitness training by NASM and has a Progressive Calisthenics Certification from DragonDoor. Alex currently coaches students of all levels. Alex is particularly passionate about the levers. Check out his Lever Series right here: [FREE 7 WEEKS-LEVER TRAINING VIDEO COURSE]

Tämä jakso on tehty yhteistyössä Float Kallion / Roban ( ) ja Oura-älysormuksen ( ) kanssa.Tässä jaksossa:Vieraana maailmanlaajuisesti tunnettu jääkiekkoilijoiden voimaharjoitteluvalmentaja Yunus Barisik.Yunus on erikoistunut jääkiekkoilijoiden voima- ja nopeusvalmennukseen. Yunus on valmentanut kymmentä Suomen U18- ja U20-maailmanmestaria sekä pelaajia/varauksia 12:sta NHL-organisaatiosta.Jaksossa keskusteltuja aiheita:- Mitä Yunus tekee nyt ja miten siihen on tultu- Yunuksen valmennuskonsepti ja tärkeimmät valmennusopit- Yunuksen uusi kirja Strength Training for Ice Hockey (suosittelemme kaikille voimaharjoittelua tekeville ja valmentaville!)- Valmentajana kehittyminen- Miten luot uran urheilijoiden voimaharjoitteluvalmentajana- Somen merkitys Yunuksen businekselleLinkit:- Yunuksen kirja Strength Training for Ice Hockey: - Instagram: @yunusbarisik- Blogi: 041b061a72


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