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the only problem is that the fbi did this in the middle of the download, and that doesnt work. if you use a non-standard client that doesnt check the.torrent file contents, then itll automatically request and receive the entire file, because it doesnt care what the.torrent file says. the ipf still works, however, as the clients torrent client will still check the.torrent file, but the ipf will tell it not to do that. this is a really bad idea for the fbi because they cant get the ipf out of the client.
The Secret Teachings of All Ages downloads torrent
the fbi loaded the torrent file into pieces of data in the middle of the download, and then sent the ipf out, but the ipf has a 1 minute timeout (the default) and the client can only request and receive one piece at a time. so the client will not request or receive anything in the first minute, and then it will, and then its done. the fbi timed this to be exactly one minute.
gonzales contends that the prosecution is required to disclose torrential downpours source code because it is material to his defense. doc. 25 at 10. specifically, the defendant contends that if the source code of torrential downpour is revealed, it could potentially be used to show that the software is faulty, and that the software may have a bug that caused it to wrongly identify files that were not on the tablet when it was seized. id. at 9. torrential downpours source code is undoubtedly material to gonzales defense because if the source code is revealed, it could potentially be used to show the software is faulty and that it falsely identified child pornography files that were not on his tablet. that is exactly the defense gonzales asserts in his motion to compel the source code. 30 at 7. furthermore, the source code is material to gonzales defense because the software may have a bug that caused it to wrongly identify child pornography files that were not on his tablet when it was seized. at 11. therefore, gonzales is entitled to the source code in order to understand the workings of the program and to conduct an effective defense. see id. at 12. finally, gonzales is entitled to the source code because it may also be material to show that the government has not met its burden of proving that he knowingly distributed child pornography files. see doc. 25 at 11; doc. 30 at 12.